Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The goings on

Well, it's been almost an entire month since I've posted. Eh, I'm not sure there are too many people reading this though...so I wasn't too worried. lol. Though life's been busy this last month. Jer's business is booming and we're gonna actually have a garage soon!! :) It's strange how it came about, but I'm banking that how things occured is a blessing in disguise. :) I won't know what to do with a garage. Maybe store my lawn mower in it and keep it charged all the time, that way when the lawn needs mowing, I don't have to make sure I plan to charge it and whatnot.

Well, Oliver is growing like a weed!!

He's still small, relatively speaking, but much bigger since we got him. He's pushing 6lbs now. He still thinks that midnight is a great time to want to play with mom and dad. ::sigh:: he's a little fella and doesn't know what night time is. I never imagined I'd love this little guy this much, but he really is like my child. I know, it's silly, but he is. Petsmart is one of my new favorite places. lol!!

Well, I went to a new hair dresser and went in just thinking I'd get the split ends trimmed, but I took a plunge and let her do what she thought would look best on my hair and I got it cut shorter. She didn't do a bad job on it, I just now know for sure I like long hair. :) It actually takes me longer to get ready now cause there's more layers to fix and whatnot. It was probably good for my hair to loose some of the length so it can grow back healthy, but I do miss the length. Here's what it looks like most of the time:

Well, that's about the extent of what's been going on in the Clos house lately. :-)