Tuesday, September 30, 2008


John McCain is such a DOOOOOF! And Sarah Palin is quite simply out of her league...completely!

Ok...that's all for now! :-D

Obama in '08!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Well, tomorrow our little man Oliver graduates from his puppy school class. I know it's corny, but he's done well and I'm proud of him. hah! I know, he's a dog, but the little guy is like our child. He probably has no idea how good he's got it...yup...we're totally wrapped. He's going Sunday to get his haircut. I'll be so glad for him to have a haircut. I always want to keep him clean and crisp looking...right now he's really shaggy. We played out in the yard this past weekend and I got some updated pics of him:

Well, that's all for now. I actually have to do some work here...yeah I know...boooo :( oh well, I do get paid to do stuff. heh :-)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The republican party is nothing more than a group of hypocrites that want nothing more than fame and power. They have no real desire to "change" this country. I've never really supported the republican party, mostly in part because I was raised in a very democratic household. As I left home and after I got married, I really became more of an independent when it comes to politics. I definitely lean more democratically, but I'm not a die hard democrat. There have been democratic candidates that have irked and upset me just like republican candidates. However this year, it is my firm belief that this country needs change. Many people my entire life have said "our children are our future". Indeed I believe that to be true and the future of this country needs change the way things are fundamentally done. It's very clear by the last 8 years that we have dug ourselves in a hole that we cannot get out of, or if we can, certainly not quickly or easily.

After hearing John McCain's speech last night, it reconfirmed what I've felt all week about the republican party. While McCain didn't take as many slices at Obama as his colleagues did earlier in the week, he did make slices...and I quote:

"I'm not running for president because I think I'm blessed with such personal greatness that history has anointed me to save our country in its hour of need."

News flash McCain, in case you haven't noticed, you are BEHIND in the polls and taking backhanded slices at your opponent who has done NOTHING to presume he was entitled to the democratic nomination isn't going to help your case.

However, let me move on to the more infuriating things this week that have really prompted me to post this blog. Let me just start by saying that Governor Palin made a great comparison during her speech Wednesday night. And I quote: "The only difference between a hockey mom and a pitt bull is lipstick". She's certainly right that she's a female pitt bull...and hopefully you'll get what I'm implying here...if not, she certainly has already earned her reputation in my mind as being a bitch. Governor Palin is extremely strong on "Family Values" and abstinence. In my personal opinion, I think teaching only abstinence in schools is foolish. I support teaching abstinence to kids, however if you educate kids on sex, the number of STD's and unwanted pregnancies will reduce. I don't think you are doing your children a service by just telling them not to have sex. This makes me think of the phrase "give a man a fish and he eat for a day. teach a man to fish, he eat for a lifetime". Educating an individual on anything sex or whatever it may be will make them better off in the long run in my opinion. Secondly, the fact that her 17 year old unwed daughter is pregnant does not bother me. As many have said, things happen. I understand this. What has upset me greatly is these right winged conservative higher than mighty people have seemed to embrace, welcome her and her family with open arms. I think we all know that the extreme right wing conservative indivduals would completely rip anyone else to shreds if this were their child. I can say without a doubt had this been one of senator Obama's daughters, they would have completely raked Senator Obama and his entire family over the coals and burnt them beyond all recognition. Yet, instead with Gov. Palin and her family, suddenly "it's ok" and they "understand" that things happen. What a load of BS this is. Roland Martin, contributor to CNN made a great statement:

"She is a teenager who chose to have pre-marital sex, which I thought many of these same evangelicals deplored based on biblical reasons."

"it's clear that abstinence-only didn't work in her own household. So, should she and her supporters re-examine their position."

And lastly going back to Gov. Palin's 'strong family values', seems to me with strong family values that means that you put your family first above all else. That being the case, it seems to me that having FIVE children, one of them being an infant, and on top of that and infant with special needs, you would make them your primary focus. In my opinion accepting the offer for vice presidential candidate is placing your carrer before your family. I'm certainly not an individual that thinks women have no place outside the home. I'm all for women working, but if you choose to have a family, or even if you don't, a person with strong family values I would think would devote as much time as humanly possible to her children, even if that ment sacrificing something in your career. Secondly to this, to knowingly put your daughter through intense media scrutiny, certainly doesn't seem to be putting your family first. Gov. Palin knew she along with her daughter would be completely mauled by the media over this. As an individual not knowing the details of things, just an outsider looking in, it doesn't seem to me she had any regard for her daughter with this decision. Her daughter is now the poster child for unwanted pregnancies.

My friend Chuck summed up my feelings about the republican ticket this election year and their convention...

1. If having served in an executive office counts toward experience to be President of the United States, then Sara Palin has more experience than McCain, Obama, and Biden put together.

2. I have to admit that I am amused by the speeches during the Republican convention about change and reform since their party has been the party in power for most of the past 8 years.

3. Continuing this train of thought I've also heard a lot of talk during the Republican convention about how the Democrats "spend spend spend" yet in the past eight years we have huge deficits where once we had a budget surplus achieved under a Democratic administration (I will add that to achieve this, Clinton and Gingrich were able to work together).

4. In her speech tonight, Palin mentioned how Harry Truman did not have a lot of experience when he ran for Vice-President. True, he was only a Senator, he had never held executive office.

5. I need to hear more about this, but in her speech, Palin stated that she rejected federal money for the "Bridge to Nowhere", when in fact she did accept it. An earmark project due to the Republican Senator from Alaska, Ted Stevens.

6. It has been said in several speeches that McCain is his own man, yet he has changed on several positions like offshore drilling. McCain who was once the maverick has embraced the core values of the Republican party, some of the values he used to stand against.

7. I find it hilarious that neither Bush nor Cheney are at the convention. It is funny the same people who cheered for Bush on his satellite speech, are cheering for the reform from the very policies he has initiated (except for the tax breaks, they won't reform that).

Yes, we all know the republicans believe that if they give big businesses that they will so honestly and fairly pass those breaks onto the consumer...BAHH!!! yeah right...that's the biggest load of BS if I ever heard such.

8. Just because Alaska borders Russia, does not give the governor of Alaska "foreign policy experience".

9. Being commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard does not mean that the governor commands the troops in Iraq, once a unit is activated it becomes federal (as in Iraq, not in a state natural disaster situation).

I'll close with this. John McCain's record speaks for itself. If your enjoying the hell hole the economy and overall this country has become, then cast your vote on Nov. 4th for him. He's your man.