Monday, November 10, 2008


Well, haven't posted in a while and I'm sure not too many look at this. Online journal that while it's out here it's not widely read.

The election outcome was what I was hoping for. Finally we can start to repair our image to the rest of the world. I have hope for the country again. :)

Well Crossroads with Def Leppard and Taylor Swift premiered Friday. That was awesome to watch. When I first heard about them collaborating I kind of cocked my head to the side and said, huh...I'll have to see that. Man it was so awesome. I love it when country and pop/rock get together and it's done right. I don't know too much Def Leppard because I was rather young when they were out, but who doesn't know Pour Some Sugar on Me?? That's one of the best hair band rock songs of all time in my book. :-D All the versions of Taylor's songs on there were fantastic. It elevated them to another level I think. Particularly them doing Should've Said No and then it leading into Pour Some Sugar on Me! If you can catch it...DO IT! It is absolutely killer!