Thursday, June 12, 2008

"Special Comment"

Dad, this one is for you.

::Begin rant::
If you're at all conflicted about who to vote for in the fall, watch the video below. This is just one sliver of why NOT to vote for John McCain...

This man is NOTHING more than a carbon copy of George W. Bush. The country has arrived at the gates of hell in a hand basket and if you wish to actually plunge down into the never ending pits of hell, proceed and check the box on your ballot in November for senator John McCain. As for myself, the only thing that is keeping me from SERIOUSLY looking at moving out of this country and denouncing my citizenship is my mother, father, brother and his wife, my 4 nieces, 2 nephews and two more nephews on the way in addition to Jeremy's parents and brother and sister.

::end rant::